All the packages start with a solid design template, a solid html 3-page site. Every design is designed to use very few graphics and download very quickly. They are driven almost entirely by style sheets and are very easy to modify and customize to meet your needs. You can choose any design you want, the price is based entirely on the service level you choose. You can always select the most inexpensive package then add only the services you need most from the Ala Carte menu, or you can choose the package that has everything you want at a discount. Simple basic site packages for people who are just beginning and know html and don't need any help putting it all together, but who still want a professional looking site with all the bugs worked out - and still cheap. The Quick Start package includes everything in the basic site package and adds some of our services to speed the development time for you. We build the site for you and deliver it to you via email. This assume you don't need any hosting, or other services. More comprehensive packages for people who don't have time to build it all themselves, much less learn html and all the complexities of hosting, DNS servers configuration and email set up. And there's plenty of options you can add in from the Ala carte options to customize your package services to be exactly what you want. And when you're ready to go beyond these options we're more than happy to put together a custom package for you and build everything from the ground up. What's the catch? The only thing that even approaches a catch really isn't one because we're very up front about it - which is that when you buy a package design from us (except for any custom work), you don't own exclusive rights to its design. So you won't have a unique design. But for photographers, that's less often less of an issue as it's your photography that sells your work, the site's design merely supports and augments your work. These sites are designed to be starter sites, but starter sites that look good enough to be above the stock designs of design firms with broader markets. We're here for photographers only. And you can always add features to customize your site as your business grows. You can even purchase exclusive rights to a particular design, but of course the price goes up considerably for them. |